
Monthly attendance table

Monthly attendance table

Tomasz Cybulski
1 month ago

The monthly attendance table is a graphical representation of your players' attendance at classes and matches. The template of the table is illusionally similar to the one known from the school's paper diaries. The table creates automatic summaries of the attendance of each player.


The table shows the data on trainings and matches in an aggregate. Icons symbolize the presence of a player at the training or the reason for his absence. Symbols for matches (empty circle or full circle) indicate the calling to the first lineup or on the bench of the reserve. If you complete the match statistics, the time played by the player will appear in the table. At the top of the page you have checkboxes that allow you to change the displayed months as well as to narrow the statistics of the table to one selected player. In the last column and in the last row of the table you will find summaries of the player's attendance in the month and the team's attendance at a given training session.

Below the table is a pie chart showing the attendance for the selected range of data, in the chosen month. It is worth noting that this graph is interactive. When you click on the red area, the chart will display detailed data about the reasons for the absence in training sessions.